Talk to mark the publication in French of Adaptation Radicale, by Jem Bendell
30th September, online, by Adaptation Radicale Groupe Francophone.
Hello, I’m Jem Bendell. I’m pleased to be able to offer some comments to mark the publication of my first book on Deep Adaptation, which is available in French and is being published in France by a publisher whose name I won’t try and say in French, but I love the translation into English. They’re called “the bonds that free us.” I’d like to thank the translator Elise Roy, as well as the team at the publisher, also Pablo Servigne who encouraged me to collaborate to make this happen. He also writes the foreword. Also I’d like to thank the volunteers at the Deep Adaptation group in France, including Julian, who have been helping coordinate some outreach about the book.
So, what I’m going to do is offer about five minutes of reflections
to help put the book in context. The book is a compilation of writings for
people who are already open to the idea that the collapse of our way of life
within an industrial consumer society is now either likely, or inevitable, or
already occurring. I think the book is suitable for a French audience because
since 2015 when Pablo Servigne and Raphael Stevens published their book on what
they called ‘collapsology,’ the discussion and level of dialogue in France is
more advanced than in many other countries - particularly the countries that I
know about because they’re English-speaking.
Both in France and around the world we are hearing from
people who are critical of those of us who are having these conversations. In
response, I would suggest one way of talking to them would be to show them this
graph, which just came out from a member of the Breakthrough Institute, which
shows simplified emissions pathways for climate targets. This is based on
Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) data and analysis, but it
removes the suggestion that we can roll out carbon capture technologies which
would strip carbon using direct air capture from the atmosphere.
You see the carbon emissions and how rapidly they have increased over the last 20 years. The red line shows that if we wanted to achieve a 50 percent chance, only a 50 percent chance, of staying under 2 degrees we would need, over the next 20 years, to reduce our carbon emissions as rapidly as we have been increasing them over the previous 20 years.
So that’s not like slamming on the brakes of a car heading
towards a wall, that’s actually slamming it into reverse and immediately going
at the same speed in the opposite direction. We should recognize here that our
carbon emissions prior to 2020 have been increasing in terms of the rate of
increase. In fact, one scientist has suggested that it looks like an exponential curve of carbon emissions. So we all know that if you do that with
a car that just damages the engine and isn’t actually possible with the current
technologies to just suddenly slam a car into reverse like that. There is
obviously a lot of inertia in our hydrocarbon society.
So what’s happening when people criticize those of us who
want to talk about preparing for collapse, whether in the collapsology field or
in the Deep Adaptation field, or other fields, they’re telling us that we have
the burden of proof on us to say that the red line is not the future path for
our carbon emissions let alone the safer lines. Really, we should be aiming for
at least the green line. I believe that the burden of proof really should be on
them to show us, against all evidence, how we’re going to go down any of these
simplified emission pathways to reach these climate targets. I think they can’t prove that this is
happening, or will happen, because it’s not been happening.
It’s almost like these conversations at the
intergovernmental level and within the scientific community on climate change
are trying to maintain credible myths about what is possible, in order to take
us away from actually staring at the trouble directly ahead of us.
Over the last couple of years I’ve been humbled and inspired
by so many people from around the world who have engaged creatively with this
anticipation of societal collapse. People are doing amazing things, many of
which I could not have imagined. People bringing meditation and mindfulness
practices into schools. People working together on community gardening. People
deciding that they will give up their freedom to peacefully protest against
governments on climate inaction. Scientists who are giving up their old career
in order to look at new things such as designing mirrors that will float in the
Arctic ocean to try and replace the albedo effect. People who are learning
about how to hold online death cafes so that people can share their very
difficult painful emotions around the predicament we find ourselves in. There’s
such a great diversity and I know that this is a field where people, many
people, will have quite strong opinions and some of the things I’ve just
mentioned they may be confused or annoyed at. But for me it’s all welcome if
it’s with an open mind and open heart. Because nobody has the answers. We’ve
never been in this kind of situation before as a species.
Some of that creativity, some of that collaboration, is
happening within a place called the Deep Adaptation Forum which is an online
community for people to connect with each other, to learn from each other, and
to try and create resources that will be helpful for when there’s a much wider
mass awakening and people start to engage more widely. That forum has over 100
volunteers now and engages at least 15,000 people on its platforms and so I do
recommend you check out if you haven’t already.
In my experience people engaging in Deep Adaptation do not
equate societal collapse with the extinction of the human race - they’re two
quite different ways of understanding our situation. My understanding is that
people do not become apathetic - so many people have allowed this information
to transform their lives to prioritize truth and love in their lives and become
very socially engaged in ways that they hadn’t before. I’m noticing that many
people do not respond in an individualistic way about just simply trying to
protect themselves and their loved ones. People soon realize that that is so
limited and that we need to act collectively together in order to try to reduce
harm, reduce suffering, and give ourselves a better chance in the face of this
Over the last couple of years I’ve come to see how important
it is for us to hold space for each other’s difficult emotions - whether that’s
fear, grief, sadness, or anger, in a way where we don’t then escape into
stories of safety or blame, but actually just recognize that each of us are
having difficult emotions because we are fully awake to the situation that we
modern humans have caused.
Because as we all feel more vulnerable, we could be more
easily manipulated with a simple story of safety or blame. But neither will
help and instead if we can support each other to neither act from or be averse
to these difficult emotions and instead keep fully present to what the
situation is and keep open to new ideas and learning from each other and
unlearning with each other about what on earth do we do next. Then I think
we’ll see much more interesting ideas emerge and initiatives emerge and for me
that is what has been happening both in collapsology and in the Deep Adaptation
field over the last couple of years.
Like me many people have been on a journey of inquiry into
why we caused this mess and when I say we I’m talking about modern humans. That
inquiry reveals how we have othered and oppressed other humans often because
they just don’t look like us or sound like us and also othered and oppressed
wider life itself. So many people are arriving at a deeper commitment to
uncovering mechanisms of oppression and therefore more people are prioritizing
racial justice and healing as part of their work on Deep Adaptation. Many
people are prioritizing work on gender justice and healing as part of their
response to Deep Adaptation. And many more people are thinking about economic
justice and healing as part of a comprehensive response to our climate
predicament. I think that’s really important because it is quite distinct from
how some people are responding, or probably will respond, when they feel
vulnerable because of growing climate chaos and related societal pressures. Many
people will tell us that the situation means that we just need to do ‘what’s
necessary’ and they’ll come at it from a very fear-based place, not actually
looking at how so much of our society is built on that fear-based place of
separation and othering and oppression.
So thank you for listening, thank you for reading the book,
and please consider joining the Deep Adaptation francophone group, which you
can connect to on Facebook. I’ll put the link to that and any other relevant
groups in French, for example the collapsology groups, in the video notes for
this video. Thank you.
French translation to follow.
Some of the writing in English that went into the book is available from Jem's blog here.
An interview with Jem to mark the launch of the book is here.
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